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Snowflakes is a Christmas version of our popular Photography WordPress theme – Fotografie. Snowflakes, a child theme of Fotografie is a new Christmassy Photography WordPress theme that will give your website a warm and welcoming look and feel of the festival, holiday, Christmas. Snowflakes purely focus on providing your website a festive look with the vibrant color palette. Snowflakes provides you with awesome features such as header media options, hero content, portfolio, featured content, color options and menu options to create a simple and elegant website. What else can be better for your visitors than giving your website the Christmassy feel this merry season, right? Celebrate this Christmas and give your website a fresh welcoming look with our new Christmassy Photography WordPress theme, Snowflakes. For more details, check out the Theme Instructions at
You need to have fotografie parent theme in your WordPress installed themes to use this theme. Here is the link for the parent theme:

Check out Support Forum at and Demo at

Features in Snowflakes Free

  1. Responsive Design
  2. Site Identity: Option to add/edit Custom Logo, option to enable/disable logo
  3. Colors: Option to change Header Text Color and Background Color
  4. Header Media: Option to add Custom Header Video or embed video from Youtube, display/hide Header Image, add Header Media Title, Header Media Text, Header Media Link Text and Header Media Link URL
  5. Background Image: Option to change Background Image
  6. Menu: Option to use Header and Social Menu
  7. Breadcrumb: Option to enable/disable Breadcrumb option
  8. Excerpt Options: Option to change Excerpt Length and Read More Text
  9. Hero Content Options: Option to select they are: Page as Hero Content
  10. Homepage Settings: Select option to show post from selective category on HomePage/FrontPage
  11. Layout Options:
    1. Site Layout: Option to choose from 1. Fluid and 2. Boxed
    2. Singular Content Layout: This layout is for Singular Post Types like Post, Page Option to choose from, they are: 1. Left Sidebar (Primary Sidebar, Content) and 2. No Sidebar
  12. Pagination Options: Option to choose Pagination type from Default(Older Posts/Newer Posts), Numeric, Infinite Scroll (Click), Infinite Scroll (Scroll)
  13. Scrollup Options: Option to enable/disable scroll up
  14. Featured Content: Option to choose Page as featured content, option to enable/disable featured content on Homepage/Frontpage or entire site, option to select Featured Content layout from 2 columns, 3 columns or 4 columns, edit Featured Content Title and Sub Title
  15. Reset all settings: Option to reset all the setting to default
  16. Widget Areas: 4 widgetized (Sidebar) to choose from, they are 1. Sidebar, 2. Footer One, 3. Footer Two and 4. Footer Three
  17. Widgets:2 Widgets to choose from, they are: 1. CT:Recent Posts and 2. CT: Social Icons
  18. Essential Content Type: You can get following option if you use Essential Content Type plugin
    1. Custom Content Type
      1. Portfolio
      2. Featured Content

Installation Using the WordPress Administration Panel #

You can download Themes directly to your blog by using the Add New Themes option in the Appearance sub-menu.

  1. Download snowflakes from your Catch Themes site at to your Desktop
  2. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel
  3. Go to “Appearance => Themes => Add New”
  4. Click on “Uploads” and Browse the downloaded file from the desktop where you have it downloaded
  5. Click on “Install Now” and then “Activate” to install the Theme

Manual Installation using FTP

To add a new Theme to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download snowflakes from your Catch Themes site at to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to /wp-content/themes/ and make sure that you do not already have a snowflakes folder installed. If you do, then back it up and remove it from /wp-content/themes/ before uploading your copy of snowflakes
  4. Upload snowflakes to /wp-content/themes/
  5. Activate snowflakes through “Appearance => Themes”, in your WordPress Dashboard

Updating Theme Using the Administration Panel #

You can update Themes directly from the Administration Panel using Catch Updater plugin. Click here to read details about Catch Updater plugin.

For more detail, click here to watch video for Catch Updater Plugin

Updating Theme Using FTP

To update Theme though FTP, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download snowflakes from your Catch Themes site at to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and upload your new copy of snowflakes Theme which shall replace the old files

Image Sizes:

Post Thumbnail
Width: 1148px
Height: 574px

Featured Image:
Width: 533px
Height: 533px

Hero Image:
Width: 720px
Height: 720px

Slider Image:
Width: 1920px
Height: 1080px

How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?

  1. Open the editor of the post/page where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Set Featured Image.
  2. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image.Click to view screenshot
  3. For more detail, click here to watch video Screencast

Regenerate Thumbnails #

If you have just changed your theme then you need to regenerate image thumbnail for post published before activating this theme. You can simply install Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin. Then Regenerate Thumbnails through “Tools => Regen. Thumbnails” in your WordPress Dashboard.

Widget Area (Sidebar)#

snowflakes currently has 4 widgetized (Sidebar) areas there are: 1. Sidebar, 2. Footer One, 3. Footer Two and 4. Footer Three. Go to “Appearance => Widgets” or “Appearance => Customize => Widgets” in WordPress.

snowflakes offers exciting Menu Options! This theme supports and recommends using “Custom Menus”. You can create Custom Menu through “Appearance => Menus” from your WordPress Dashboard.

Select Menu Locations
You can assign your custom menu in 2 different locations. You assign it either from “Appearance => Customize => Menus => Manage Location” or from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Location”
Select your Custom Menu as Header Menu to display it as the Main Menu, which will replace the default Page Menu
Select your custom menu as Social Menu

Customizer (Theme Options) #

You can customize this theme using cool additional features through Customizer at “Appearance => Customize” from your WordPress Dashboard.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity
  2. You can replace the default logo by clicking on it or clicking on Change Image
  3. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to disable Site Title and Tagline? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity
  2. Uncheck “Disable Site Title and Tagline” and it will not dispaly Site Title and Tagline
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to add Site Icon (Favicon/Web Clip Icon)? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity => Site Icon”
  2. Click on “Select Image” and then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to add Header Video? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Media”
  2. To upload your video, click on “Select Video” option, then you can either upload the video from your computer or select the existing video from your media library, video must be less than 8mb
  3. To embed video from Youtube, you can enter YouTube URL
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to add Header Image? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Media”
  2. To upload header image click on “Add New Image” or existing Header Image, then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”
  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Breadcrumb”
  2. Check option, “Check to enable Breadcrumb” to enable and uncheck to disable
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to Change the Excerpt Length and Read More Text? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Excerpt Options”
  2. Type in the Excerpt Length as in, the number of words, and Read More Text
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

snowflakes supports Page as featured content. For Featured Content Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content”.

Page (Featured Content):

Featured Page content is created to highlight your Page in the featured content. So, first you need to create a Page and then add Featured Image to the Page.

How to enable Featured Page Content?#

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. To enable featured content, select “Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site” option under “Enable on”
  3. Under “Select Content Type”, you need to select “Page”
  4. Then select page under Featured Page 1, Featured Page 2 and so on
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

When you select page, make sure your Page have Featured Image. Click here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

How to choose Hero Content Option? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Hero Content Option”
  2. Then, select desired page under “Page” to display as your hero content
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to Set Certain Categories to Display in Homepage/Frontpage? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Homepage/Frontpage Options”
  2. Then select the category you want, and you may select multiple categories by holding down the CTRL key(windows)/Command Key(Mac)
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Layout Options #

Snowflakes has 2 Site Layout and 2 Singular Content Layout options to choose from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”

Site Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the option below “Site Layout” which will set our site layout.

Singular Content Layout
Singular content layout is for singular post types like Post,Pages. There are option to choose from: i. Left Sidebar(Primary Sidebar,Content) and ii. No Sidebar

How to change Pagination Options? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Pagination Options”
  2. Under Pagination Type, select desired option
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to enable/disable Scrollup feature? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Scrollup Options”
  2. Check option “Disable Scroll Up”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Additional CSS #

You can add your custom CSS that will overwrite the theme CSS for further design customization through “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS”, in your WordPress Dashboard.

Note: If you are doing heavy customization and adding lot of custom css then we recommended to build Child Theme and add it in your child theme style.css file. Read More about child theme…

Content Types

If you want content type option in your theme you can either use Jepack or our free plugin Essential Content Type. The details are listed below:

Frontpage Elements

You can install our free plugin Essential Content Type from this link and follow the steps provided by the link.

How to add Portfolio in Homepage/Frontpage using Essential Content Type?#
Follow these steps to showcase projects on your site:

  1. First you need to install Essential Content Type
  2. After that you can find Essential Content Type option in your WordPress Dashboard
  3. Click on “Essential Content Type”, there you can see “Portfolio/Projects” option then you need to click on the button of Portfolio/Projects option(This option is enabled by default)
  4. Then go to “Customize => Portfolio” and choose number of items to show in frontpage
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Note: To edit Portfolio Archive Title, Archive Content and Archive Featured Image, go to Customize => Portfolio”

Widgets #

Snowflakes has 2 Widgets to choose from. They are: 1. CT: Recent Posts and 2. CT: Social Icons. You can add widget in widget area as per your need.

How to add Widgets in widget area? #

You can add widgets to your widget area from two location
1. Go to “Appearance => Widget”, then drag the widget to the widget area or you can click in the widget then list of widget area will appear, now you can choose desired widget area and click on “Add Widget”.

2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Widgets”, then you can find list of widget area. Click on the any widget area and you will see “Add a Widget” option by click on it you can find list of Widget which you can add to respected widget area.

How to add “Social Icon” in widget area(CT:Social Icon)? #

This widget is used to add social icons as a widget.

  1. Add CT:Social Icon to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title” under the respective field.
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Recommended Plugins
* Catch Web Tools for Webmaster Tools, To Top, Catch IDs
* Essential Content Type
* Contact Form 7 for Contact Form
* Regenerate Thumbnails to for Regenerating Thumbnails
* Jetpack for Infinite Scroll, Gallery, Stats, Image CDN and many more

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