
Gridalicious is a Simple, Clean, Grid Base, Free Responsive WordPress Theme which automatically adapts to the screen’s size, ensuring that your content is always displayed beautifully no matter what device visitors are using. It is based in HTML5, CSS3 and WordPress Theme Customizer for real time customization. This theme is translation ready. For more details check out Theme Instructions.


Theme Options

The most powerful feature of Catch Themes is its Theme Options which will allow you to easily customize your website with clicks. So, now you no longer need to be a designer or a programmer to build customized websites. Theme Options allow you to toggle on and off features, adjust layouts, change colors, fonts, logo, favicon, background, add social links and custom CSS.

Responsive Design

One of the key features of our themes is that your website will magically respond and adapt to different screen sizes delivering an optimized design for iPhones, iPads, and other mobile devices. No longer will you need to zoom and scroll around when browsing on your mobile phone.

Webmaster Tools

Webmaster Tools option helps you to minutely manage your site. Firstly, it helps to verify the site in Google, Yahoo and Bing. Additionally, whether it is something like site optimization, keeping track of your site traffic or overseeing and altering your display settings, you can call the shots for you site through Webmaster tools. These tools also allow you to add to your site Header and Footer Scripts like Google Analytics, Site Stats, Facebook, twitter and much more.

Custom Widgets

Our themes have widgetized areas commonly known as sidebar. Here, you can add up various widgets and customize their display to satisfy your unique needs.

Incredible Support

We have a great line of support team and support documentation. You do not need to worry about how to use the themes we provide, just refer to our Tech Support segment. Further, if you need to do advanced customization to your website, you can always hire our theme customizer!

Featured Page Grid Content

Featured Page Grid Content is an option that is helpful to highlight noteworthy pages on your site. You can have columns of content as well as selected images set on your grid container.

WordPress Standard Codes

Our code is secure and optimized. We do proper data validation and sanitization and follow core theme guidelines. Our developers are active contributors to WordPress theme review and WordPress core. Our themes will always be updated as things change in WordPress.

More Features

  • Theme Options
  • Responsive Design
  • Webmaster Tools
  • Alternative Styles
  • Page Templates
  • Featured Thumbnail
  • Threaded Comments
  • Dropdown Menu
  • Excerpt Length
  • Gravatar Ready
  • Localized for translations
  • Custom Header / Logo
  • Custom Favicon
  • Custom Menu
  • Custom Layout
  • Custom Widget
  • Custom Homepage
  • Custom CSS
  • Support

Free Vs Pro (Premium)

Free Features Pro (Premium)
Responsive Design
Super Easy Setup
Color Options for various sections
Header Image
Primary Menu
Secondary Menu
Header Right Menu
Footer Menu
Menu Options
Comment Options
Excerpt Options
Feed Redirect
Font Family Options
Footer Editor Options
Header Right Sidebar Options
Default Layout: Primary Sidebar,Content
Default Layout: Content,Primary Sidebar
Default Layout: No Sidebar(Content Width)
No Sidebar (One Column)
Default Layout: No Sidebar(Full Width)
Archive Content Layout: Show Excerpt Image Left
Archive Content Layout: Show Excerpt Image Right
Archive Content Layout: Excerpt Image Top
Archive Content Layout: Show Full Content (No Featured Image)
Single Page/Post Image Layout
Woocommerce Layout
Pagination Options
Promotion Headline Options
Responsive Options
Scroll Up Options
Search Options
Single Post Navigation
Update Notifier
WooCommerce Options
Featured Content: Featured Post Content
Featured Content: Featured Page Content
Featured Content: Featured Category Content
Featured Content: Featured Image Content
Featured Grid Content: Featured Post Grid Content
Featured Grid Content: Featured Page Grid Content
Featured Grid Content: Featured Category Grid Content
Featured Grid Content: Featured Image Grid Content
Custom Social Links
WPML Ready
WooCommerce Ready

Change Log

2.2.1 (Released: August 29, 2022)

  • Updated: WordPress 6.0 ready

2.2 (Released: February 15, 2022)

  • Updated: WordPress 5.9 ready

2.1 (Released: September 10, 2021)

  • Added: Core Blocks Support
  • Bug Fixed: WP 5.8 compatibility for jQuery
  • Bug Fixed: Added underline on the anchor tag

2.0 (Released: May 19, 2020)

  • Added: Support for wp_body_open action
  • Bug Fixed: Keyboard navigation accessibility issue
  • Updated: Metabox UI
  • Updated: readme.txt and styles.css file as per new requirement
  • Updated: Screenshot Image size

1.9 (Released: October 26, 2018)

  • Added: Core Privacy Policy link support in footer
  • Updated: Upgrade to pro button css
  • Updated Content delivered through the_content filter
  • Updated: Content type label

1.8 (Released: April 12, 2018)

  • Bug Fixed: Breadcrumb custom post archive link
  • Bug Fixed: Design issue with Catch Infinite Scroll plugin
  • Code optimization
  • Removed: changelog.txt file and added changelog in readme.txt file
  • Updated: JS compression

1.7.1 (Released: June 08, 2017)

  • Added: Option to Display all Categories in Customizer
  • Added: Hide meta on archive page option
  • Removed: Support for custom favicon and web clip icon
  • Code Optimization
  • Compatible with WordPress 4.8


  • Removed: HTML script loading from catchbase_head() function and added it as wp_enqueue_script() in catchbase_head() function
  • Updated: fitvids handle to 'jquery-fitvids', sidr handle to 'jquery-sidr'
  • Updated: Used the_archive_title() and the_archive_description() in archive.php
  • Updated: Upgrade Button in customizer with respect to trt decision
  • Updated: Custom CSS to Additional CSS( Core Support ) for WP version 4.7
  • Code Optimization


  • Updated: Reset all settings compatibility with WordPress v4.6


  • Bug Fixed: German language translation (Reported by Thorsten Rotter)


  • Added German translation de_DE.po and
  • Bug Fixed: White space issue
  • Updated: All instances of changed to
  • Bug Fixed: sprintf() too few arguments issue on other languages


  • Added: Disable scrollup option.
  • Added: Social Icons for Phone, Handset, Cart, Cloud, Link( Custom Link )
  • Bug Fixed: Sanitize Callback typo in Featured Content Sub-headline
  • Enhancement: Used antispambot() function on emails output on social icons
  • Fixed: Genericions issue with To Top plugin
  • Updated: Genericons to 3.4.1
  • Updated: Jetpack Scroll Pagination Option to enable infinite scroll in Reading Settings
  • Updated: Sidr menu script to version
  • Updated: Meta viewport for better responsive support
  • Updated: Content Width Implementation
  • Updated: Theme Layout retrieval via function
  • Updated: Favicon and Web Clip Migration to Site Icon( Core Support )
  • Updated: Logo to Custom Logo( Core Support ) for WP version 4.5


  • Bug Fixed: Breadcrumb css issue in IE 11
  • Bug Fixed: Featured Slider Transition Effect Not Updating
  • Removed panel for featured content and featured slider for WordPress version greater than 4.2
  • Removed Custom Textarea control for customizer
  • Updated Customizer active callback scripts (previously handled by jQuery)
  • Updated Customizer Color Scheme Script for changing values of colors on change of color scheme


  • Added: French translation fr_FR.po and


  • Added: Single Post navigation
  • Bug Fixed: Changed esc_attr_e to echo esc_attr in searchform.php
  • Compatible with WordPress 4.3
  • Removed support for WordPress version less than 4.1
  • Updated: Sidr script
  • Updated: codes to comply with deprecating PHP4 style constructors in WordPress 4.3


  • Added: Support for Random Header Image
  • Added Featured Content "Display Content" option
  • Bug Fixed: Removal of extra '/' in sub-categories in breadcrumb and updates in breadcrumb
  • Bug Fixed: Blog page featured image not overwriting default header image
  • Bug Fixed: Header Text only CSS change when not displaying site title and tagline
  • Bug Fixed: Metabox Options not saving properly
  • Combined options for Featured Content and renamed the section From Featured Content Options to Featured Content in Customizer
  • Combined options for Featured Slider and renamed the section From Featured Slider Options to Featured Slider in Customizer
  • Removed unnecessary js from custom customizer js as support for WordPress versions less than 4.0 is not required
  • Updated Social Widget name


  • Bug Fixed: Html is now allowed in Featured Content Headline and Sub-headline
  • Bug Fixed: Header Right Social Icon
  • Bug fixed: Check class logo left or logo right only when there is logo and logo is not disabled
  • Bug Fixed: Featured Content Layout Type css issue
  • Bug Fixed: added missing keyword _nx:1,2,4c and esc_html__ in language file gridalicious.pot
  • Bug Fixed: Skype Social icon and open link in new window for email issues
  • Bug Fixed: Sidebar layout option
  • Bug Fixed: Social icon wrap
  • Removed unnecessary file gridalicious-menu.js
  • Removed duplicate class site-­header as ID found
  • Replaced the_title() with the_title_attribute() where title is used as attribute
  • Replaced all require_once with require
  • Replaced demo featured content text


  • Added Option in Enable Header Image: Excluding Home, Page/Post Featured Image
  • Fixed header text condition for Sidebar
  • Removed jquery cookie and its dependencies


  • Added gridalicious- prefix to some js handles
  • Bug Fixed: undefined index $page_for_posts for Featured Header Image
  • Bug Fixed: featured-heading-wrap, $headline and $subheadline empty check in featured content
  • Bug Fixed: Featured Content missing classes entry-header and entry-title
  • Bug Fixed: Html is now allowed in Promotion Headline
  • Bug Fixed: Breadcrumb undefined index issue
  • Changed get_page to get_post as get_page is depreciated
  • Renamed "custom_meta_box_nonce" renamed to "gridalicious_custom_meta_box_nonce"
  • Sanitized custom metabox settings


  • Bug Fixed: Homepage Category Options ( missing function gridalicious_sanitize_category_list )


  • Bug Fixed: classes for excerpt and content fixed in content.php
  • Bug Fixed: missing breadcrumb separator in category
  • Bug Fixed: Dark color scheme css
  • Initial Release in
  • Removed unnecessary options from Default Layout and Archive Content Layout
  • Removed unnecessary secondary sidebar
  • Removed unnecessary mobile menu script
  • Updated image sizes
  • Updated options for Single page/post image layout


  • Submitted to