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  • #319747

    I have two questions:

    1. Is it possible to change the page background color in ArtsyLens Pro?
    2. How do I update to the newest version of the theme, and/or is version 1.1.1 it for now?… seems it’s not compatible with php 8.0…



    @willymagee : Yes you can change the color form the site Editor. Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Editor. From the site Editor click on styles button which is at the  rightmost part of the header adjacent to the three dots.
    Go to Styles => Colors => Background. Select the desired color and click on save.

    The latest version of the theme is 1.1.1. Can you please let me know the issues that you are facing with PHP 8 so that I can check for issue and provide you the required fix.



    Hello Tikaram,

    I’ve spent a fair amount of time looking at the options available to me within the editor on the ArtsyLens Pro Theme. When I enter the editor there is no “Styles Button” adjacent to the three dots… I’m using Chrome… Alternately, when I attempt to edit this theme using Safari, I click on the editor, and there’s just a blank page, no editor functions visible at all.

    RE: the PHP problem…  WordPress would not allow me to activate the ArtsyLens Theme under PHP 8.0, I had to change the PHP version backwards to 7.5…  GoDaddy tells me that they are gonna discontinue using php version 7.5 soon…  so, it’s gotta be no less than php 8.0 going forward…  that’s a fatal problem for this theme unless you have an update that makes it more compatible.

    From all that I can tell, your ArtsyLens Pro version 1.1.1 is deprecated and/or no longer useful. GoDaddy recommends that I do not use your theme unless there’s an update that makes it compatible with php 8.x at least.

    So I do have multiple problems with this theme, and I’m requesting a refund for invoice #312486. Please respond asap and confirm that you will credit me for this purchase dated June 23rd.




    Hello again Tikaram,

    Please accept my apology. I did find out how to access the Styles area on the theme, thank you…

    But I cannot use this theme if it isn’t compatible with at least php 8.0, is there anything that can be done about that? Each time I try to activate ArtsyLens Pro under php 8.0 it breaks my WordPress Install and I have to start over in php 7.5

    Can you release an update for ArtsyLens Pro?



    @willymagee : There are no any known issues with PHP 8. Can you please let me know the error message or any clue that you can  find  from the error log so that can help to find out the issues.


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