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  • #327187
    Isaac Olaleye

    Hi, I would like to change the the colour of some of the text on my home page from grey to a shade of blue (#B1D4E0 in hex colour code). How could I go about doing this? It is the words ‘bigger’ and ‘<span class=”OYPEnA text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none”>Elite Eagles Capital is the Management Fund For You’ over the video that I would like to change the colour of.</span>

    My site URL is


    @isaac-olaleye : Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance =>  Editor
    After entering the site editor screen click on the text that you would like to change the color. In the right sidebar of the site editor click on the Block tab. Next click on Text under color option and select the desired color. After changing all the desired text colors save the changes. Let me know if this helps you out.

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