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  • #318389

    Hi, I am using Catch Bells free theme in I have been using the theme for nearly 1 year. I have tried to change the post templet recently. All the short code and WPForm are working well on the day of the change. However, all the short code and form are not working the day after on all pages and posts, includes homepage.

    Then, I deleted all short code and form from the templet, and added to the content area, now they are working. But the WPForm in the footer is still not working. What can I do to fix the issue in case it happens again. Thank you.


    @sophiezh : Can you please post in your site URL so that I can check for issues on your site and provide you the required fix.



    Thank you for getting back to me. Here’s my site

    The shortcode are working well when edit in post & page content area, and working well with WPCode auto insert. But not working if I use shortcode in the post & page templets, Homepage and footer.

    Also, the WPForms is not working when use the block inserter in the post & page templets, Homepage and footer.

    Please let me know if this is something you can help.

    Thank you.


    @sophiezh : About the WPForms and others as well. This is an issue in WordPress version 6.2.2, you can see it in Forum at

    Also, you can read post about this on


    Thank you Sakin. These are really helpful. I have changed the shortcode to auto insert in WPCode. It’s working well now. And paused the auto update of WP in case there’s further issues like this.


    @sophiezh: Glad to hear that it worked for you. If you like the theme and our support then I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review? Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely appreciated.



    Hello, I use the free Catch Bells theme from The theme has been in use by me for almost a year. Recently, I tried to alter the post templet. On the day of the change, WPForm and all short codes are functioning properly. On all pages and articles, including the homepage, however, all of the short codes and forms are not functional the next day.

    Then I added to the content area and eliminated every short code and form from the templet; they are now functional. However, the WPForm in the footer continues to malfunction. What can I do to resolve the problem in case it arises once more. I’m grateful.

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