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  • #317141
    Ed Lefkowicz

    I’m having trouble changing the page layout, with 2 primary problems.

    1/ I do not want the menu on the left. I just want a hamburger menu at the top, and can’t find a way to change the layout. And for some reason hte hamburger menu does not always appear at the top right.

    1a/ The menu on the left interferes with content.

    2/ I do not want the “Archives” and “Tags” sections to appear on Pages, but only on Posts.

    I’ve read the instructions, but can’t find a way to fix these issues.


    @edlefkowicz : I will check for the issues and get back to you soon.



    @edlefkowicz : To change the menu type to hamburger menu . Login to your WordPress admin section.
    Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Menu Options
    Under Menu Style: Select Modern, Next Go to
    Appearance => Customize => Theme Options =>Header Options
    Under Header Style : Select Horizontal One or  Horizontal Two(Absolute Header) as desired and click on publish.


    Ed Lefkowicz

    Thanks for the help—it solves the menu issue.

    I still need to get the “Archives” ad “Tags” sections off of all pages except for blog posts.


    @edlefkowicz: Can you let us know the URL of the page or your website then we can check why there is archives and tags on page.

    Ed Lefkowicz

    @edlefkowicz: So you are talking about widgets in the “Footer 1” and “Footer 2”. You can edit those from “Appearance => Widgets”.
    You might be able to control those using plugins like Jetpack Widget Visibility options. You can also hide that with Custom CSS. For that you can just go to “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS” and add the following CSS:

    .page .widget_archive,
    .page .widget_tag_cloud {
    	display: none;

    Note: I recommend you to active your license key on your site to get the update notification and one-click update from the WordPress dashboard. check this https://catchthemes.com/frequently-asked-questions/#question-installation-how-to-activate-license-key

    Ed Lefkowicz

    Jetpack seems to have done it; many thanks!


    @edlefkowicz: Thanks for the confirmation and if you like the theme and our support then I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review? https://wordpress.org/support/theme/chique/reviews/#new-post. Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by Sakin.
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