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  • #316679
    Glen Pavelich

    I cannot sort the number of posts appearing on the home page using a single category.  It just doesn’t work.  Whatever I change in homepage/frontpage options will instead adjust what category appears on the post page.  I have a category ‘front page’ and it is the only category selected under this option, but ALL the posts still appear on the front page, but on the post page, where I want them ALL to appear, only that category appears.


    There should be 5 posts (this is a new site) on this page: but only the ‘front page’ category is showing up.  I had to adjust the number displayed in the ‘reading’ settings in order to get the correct posts on the home page for now.   The home page posts are under the heading ‘pantry news’ but you can’t see that error because I needed to use the work around.


    @fireflywebs : Instead of displaying recent post on static homepage you may enable the featured content section on Homepage/FrontPage  and select type as category where you can display post from desired category in the featured content section. Now in the post page you may select all category and display all the post in the static page.
    let me know if this helps you out.


    Glen Pavelich

    Yes that worked.  But something’s amiss with the theme if the standard options fails to work correctly.  Some people may already be using Featured Content for other purposes.




    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Glen Pavelich.
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